Dan Chițoiu is Professor of Philosophy at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași, Romania. He is Director of the Institute for Study of Values and Spirituality and Director of the CRVP Iasi Center. His research interests are in Eastern European Spirituality and Philosophy, Intercultural Philosophy, and Comparative Philosophy. He has published Philosophizing in the Christian East (2020), Founding Ideas of the Eastern-European Cultural Horizon (2014), Person, World, Ultimate Reality. Philosophy and Spirituality in the Christian East (2014), as well as studies in volumes, including “The Patristic Notion of Person and its Importance for Modern Culture,” Religion and Culture in Dialog. East and West Perspectives (Springer, 2016).


Journal: MEΘEXIS Journal of Research in Values and Spirituality

Year of Publication: 2022

Issue: Vol. II, No. 2

Title: Spiritual Perception. Paradigms and Pathways


Author Affiliation:

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iași

Department of Philosophy

Carol I, no. 11, 700506, Iași, Romania

Institute for the Study of Values and Spirituality
