Varghese Manimala is currently Principal of Vijnananilayam Institute of Philosophy and Religion at Janampet, Eluru, Andhrapradesh, India. He was Director of Henry Martin Institute in Hyderabad, India. He published Being, person, and community: A study of intersubjectivity in existentialism with special reference to Marcel, Sartre, and the concept of sańgha in Buddhism (Intercultural Publications, 1991), and editor of Toward Mutual Fecundation and Fulfilment of Religious (Media House 2009).
Journal: MEΘEXIS Journal of Research in Values and Spirituality
Year of Publication: 2023
Issue: Vol. III, No. 1
Title: Sacred Secularity as Spirituality and Holiness
Author Affiliation:
Vijnananilayam Janampet Vijayarai
P.O., Eluru, West Godavari
Andhra Pradesh 534475, India